Last Wednesday, August 8, The River flowed in a exceptional way!  We had a wonderful guest in The River visiting with us, the father-in-law of one of our volunteers.  He currently lives in California, but was born and raised in Nicaragua.  He is a Bishop and has planted many churches.  We started out reading scripture in the book of Matthew.  Great conversation about God's grace followed.  Guests continued to flow in The River.  There was a shift in the atmosphere.  One person then expressed an urgent need for prayer. 

We all circled up to pray for him.  Prayer elevated; tears from the individual poured out.  We continued to pray and war against that spirit that held our brother in bondage.  Suddenly we had breakthrough, so we praised and worshipped God for what He had done!  Then, others got free also!  Lives were spoken into.  We praised God in a mighty way for the move of the Holy Spirit.  Everybody that received prayer got free.  The atmosphere was full of love and joy for one another.  People were honest about what had been spoken in their lives. They each received what God intended for them to have in The River.

We never know from day to day what the Holy Spirit wants to do in people's lives, but when they come into The River they can expect a change.  Glory to God.