
How to receive from God hope that overcomes doubt, strengthens resolve and assures realization of the promise.    

I want to take you on another journey, to surround you with hope in a world lost in hopelessness.

Hope is the holding on to of a promise firmly planted in the soul by the giver of all hope.

Hope is given and not found.

How to receive from God hope that overcomes doubt, strengthens resolve and assures realization of the promise:

1. Let your desires be known to God through prayer and petition.

2. Acknowledging in your heart that reliance on self can only limit God’s ability to supernaturally perpetuate the power of the promise.

3. Seek divine comfort when the strength to hold on begins to fade and then receive from God the strength to continue to believe in the promise.

4. Find in your heart the will to trust in God to set before you a path to the promise.

5. Stand firm in your belief that God is in control of every action and resulting reaction surrounding the final acquisition of the promise.

6. Believe without doubting the promise you were seeking has already been procured in the spirit.

7. Spend time in your intimate place with your Heavenly Father thanking Him for his unending faithfulness to every promise.

Final Instruction: 

As all things given, hope comes as a free gift from a loving Father intent on raising the lost and desperate out of hopelessness into a place of victory.