The Principle of “Thanks and Giving” is the act of receiving unearned blessings from which flows an outpouring of love to others undeserving and unaware of the kindness they're about to receive.

How to Apply the Principle of “Thanks and Giving” to the Christian lifestyle:

1. Understand as foundational, that every blessing sent from Heaven is a free gift, unearned and undeserved, but freely given as an act of unconditional love by The Giver of every good and perfect gift, the Father of the Heavenly Lights.

2. Be willing to receive in your heart all that God wants to give.

3. Focus your attentions on the promptings being placed in your heart to give of yourself to others.

4. Allow the Divinity within to strengthen the desire to be a blessing in ways that are grounded in love and compassion for the least deserving children of God.

5. Ask for prayerful help to overcome the fear that giving out of love to the undeserving will threaten that which have been blessings to you, your lifestyle.

6. In peaceful contemplation, let Jesus assure you that every act of giving motivated by love and compassion for those undeserving of your love will be returned in kind from your loving Father without limit.

7. Give all glory to God the Father for giving us hearts capable of extending love unconditionally.

As with all Christian principles, Love is the engine that has been placed at the center of every action. So, let Love for others be the motivator to give, thereby releasing an even greater Love.