Over a period of two weeks from January to the beginning of February 2019, Holy Spirit revealed seven areas of emphasis; ministries that we were to infuse into the fabric of Deep Passion by creating opportunities for Holy Spirit to co-minister with the Deep Passion Faithful. The ministries are: Salvation, Deliverance, Healing, Hope, Edification, Reconciliation and Communion. To assist us in this process Holy Spirit has revealed the Kingdom definition of each of these areas of emphasis. 

Please enjoy this great insight into the Father’s heart:

    • 1. Salvation: Final and absolute glorification of the human spirit as it becomes one with the glorified spirit of Jesus Christ The Messiah

    • 2. Deliverance: exercising authority over illegal and legal demonic influence made possible through one single act of disobedience that exposed all of mankind to an earthly existence mired in unending personal battles against that which seeks to only kill steal and destroy

    • 3. Healing: receiving from the Father through prayer, fulfillment of Holy Scripture, imparted to all of mankind that recognize the glorious nature the Father

    • 4. Hope: believing in one's heart whatever obstacle has been placed squarely in the path to happiness can and will be destroyed when placed in faith at the feet of the Father

    • 5. Edification: exalting through prophecy that which the Father has prepared, always loving, always kind, and always soothes the pains of life

    • 6. Reconciliation: the setting aside of anything that now separates one that has received salvation from the glory that exists in an intimate relationship with the Father

    • 7. Communion: the act of remembering the single most important act of  love that forever ignited in the heart of mankind the flame of resolve finally declaring freedom from sin and a return to eternal sonship with the Father.