Life Justified By The Human Spirit

Luke 6:9  Then Jesus said to them, I will ask you one thing, is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil to save life or to destroy

“Find it in your heart to release all your preconceptions inured by false interpretations of scripture surrounding the instant life, justified by the human spirit, ceases to exact purpose, identity and situational awareness to the human life form”.

John 16:21  A woman when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come, as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.

“The joy that resounds amidst the birth described in Holy Scripture  establishes the principle of divine attenuation: the transference of what is divinely held to be a living sacrifice to the One that created life from the barrenness. In the human life form, the joy of childbirth is an offering placed at the feet of the Creator unparalleled as being an expression of joy in the fulfillment of life's most basic purpose the procreation of its kind”.

“There's nothing in all of creation as profoundly attenuated as the value of life, allowing systematic extinctions to become commonplace while man alone atop the compendium of life, ravaged by sin, has established itself, despite its holy nature, to be inglorious in it’s treatment and cruelty toward all life even unto the procreation of joy, life in the womb, a holy creation, aglow with the likeness of God, the human spirit”.

“Throughout the ages sin his tarnished man's ability to distinguish purpose from paradox; there in hidden until now:  seated at the throne of paradox ignominiously resides free will as the solution to all of life's complexities. Reliance on free will alone, with no adjudicating influence as to purpose, overwhelmingly commits reasoned thoughts to perjurious justification of acts centered on self appeasement. Sin as a destructive force predisposes reliance upon free will to the detriment of the fulfillment of purpose until such time as sin no longer has access unabated to human reasoning. Increasingly dependent upon free will as sin gains control, the appeasement of self flourishes until nothing satisfies that which can only be satisfied by the fulfillment of invitational access to the human spirit through the forgiveness of sin secured at the cross of redemption until the return of Jesus Christ Messiah”

“In the understanding of how sin channels thoughts is found insight into the mystery of when and why the human spirit releases the human life form to death. Just as sin establishes itself when left unabated, planting seeds of unfulfillable personal desire, it also submits life in every form to be sacrificed unto death when life can no longer overcome the effects of sin, the inability to produce sufficient electrochemical energy to produce internal reaction to external stimuli. It is at this point the human spirit releases the human life form to death. Only then does the human spirit become one with the human soul; that which presides over the will, the mind and the emotions, to be reconciled to its eternal existence.”

Mark 16:6   But he said to  them, do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.