Luke 17:6  So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to the mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.

Pain: a sensory reaction to stimuli outside of that which was designed to imbue beneficial adjudications

How to Exercise Your Authority Over Pain:

1. Believe without doubt all authority, without exception, rests in the hands of all those sanctified through Jesus Christ the Messiah, His death and resurrection.

2. Sacrifice existing pain at the altar of understanding where on lies redemption from it’s physiological torment.

3. Speak aloud as your decree that which Holy Scripture ordains:

Leviticus 19: 9 -10   When you {I} reap the harvest of your {my} land, you {I} shall not wholly reap the corners of your {my} field, nor shall you {I}  gather the gleaning of the harvest and you {I} shall not glean your {my} vineyard; you {I} shall leave them for the poor and the stranger. I am {You are} the Lord your {my} God.

4. Relinquish to Me any limitations you have accepted as binding, inflicted without desire or self malice, solely rooted in pain.

5. Brandish as your weapon in the battle to defeat pain, prayerful thanksgiving for the victory won even before the senses produce euphoric exaltations to the glory of God.

6. Sit atop a new level of understanding that renounces pain as being foreign to all those standing squarely in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ the Messiah through salvation.

7. Enshrine in your mind from the book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 Verse 9: 

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.

In closing:  Always stand believing in your heart, He that loves without exception will fulfill, without recompense, your petitions when in obedience to His instruction.