
Deep Passion is a Ministry of Love and Compassion, Prayer and Healing, and Service to the Community centered around Discipleship and Evangelism delivered through Music, Worship, Art and Testimony.  Deep Passion serves as a platform of opportunity for those seeking a place to serve the Father through their God given gifts of music, art, teaching, evangelism and countless other spiritual gifts.  Lastly, Deep Passion is a place where the servant’s heart can be developed and nurtured through service to others; a real life demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Core Beliefs

1. We Believe in the Apostles Creed: 

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He ascended into Heaven, He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and He will come to judge the living and the dead.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church (not Catholic as in the denomination but "catholic" meaning the whole Christian body or church), the communion of the saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

2. We Believe in the Creation according to the Book of Genesis

3. We Believe the Holy Bible was written by man, wholly and entirely inspired by God


Vision and SPECIFIC Ministries

The Vision and Purposes for Deep Passion Ministries were given to G.R. Barkley Jr. (Bob) and Elizabeth S. Barkley (Betsy) by the Lord over a period of months beginning in June 2015. The Vision began with a building at 1617 West Broad Street in Richmond, VA. This building was to be the birthing place for a Ministry of Love, Compassion, Healing, Service to the Community and Evangelism through music, the arts, and by offering an alternative to main stream churches and their traditional places of worship.

As such, there is long list of specific ministries that would accomplish our desire to reach the broken, the lost, and the disadvantaged in Richmond, and throughout the world, through Service, Praise, Worship, Music and Art.

1.  As an outreach to the community, Deep Passion offers an open and safe Christian space for four hours a day from 10am - 2pm, 6 days a week (Monday-Saturday), called The River. In The River, we offer fellowship, shelter & rest, music & worship, solitude & meditation, free coffee & free water, free Bibles, the study & reading of the Word, and prayer ministry to All God’s Children.

2.  The next of the Ministries provides a free, safe, alcohol and drug free, venue for Praise and Worship every Friday night from 7-9 pm, called Expressions of Worship. This includes live music each week hosted by a team of gifted musicians from different Christian backgrounds, coming together to lead us in worship. Expressions of Worship draws in a wide variety of participants/attendees, many of which would never go to a traditional church. In these sessions God heals, delivers and sets people free from all manner of oppression. It is an opportunity for all to be free in their own individual expressions of worship, while we are "Hosting His Presence".

3. On Wednesdays beginning at 2:15, we have a Bible Study for All God’s Children seeking to know Him better through Holy Scripture. It is an intimate setting in which to receive revelation from the Word of God, ask questions, and share testimonies in community.

4. Open Assembly meets on Sunday mornings at 11 am as an alternative to traditional Sunday morning worship services. Each Sunday in this non-denominational service we gather to worship, hear the Word, partake of Holy Communion & receive prophetic ministry as the Holy Spirit leads. We also perform baptisms for those accepting Jesus Christ as Lord.

5. Beginning January 9, 2020, on Thursdays evenings we will gather 6-6:30 for a time of soaking/meditation/hearing from the Lord. At 6:30 we transition into a time of participatory worship which leads into topical discussion & personal introspection, followed by corporate prayer for the breakthroughs needed (individually, in our City, our state and our country). We conclude with gratitude to Him for every good and perfect gift we have already been given and a time for individual prayer ministry, as needed.

6. Beginning January 18, 2020, we will host open Revival Meetings at Deep Passion on the the 3rd Saturday each month at 11am. Revival has come to bring each of us into the timing of God, that there will be no lack, no need and no want that will interfere with your Kingdom's work.  For God is glorified in the perfection of His creation unto Christ.  Now, is the time for each of us to demonstrate His Living Word to draw men unto Him.

7.  The next Ministry is a Christian Recording Studio that will offer top quality recording services for Christian artists at below market rates, thus enabling the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be spread throughout the world through music.  

8.  Finally, Deep Passion Ministries is to be a platform of opportunity for those seeking an opportunity to serve God through their gifts of music, art, teaching, evangelism and countless other spiritual gifts.  It is a place where the servant’s heart can be developed and nurtured by service to others, as a demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.