Luke 9:12    When the day began to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, “send the multitude away, that they make go into the surrounding towns and country and lodge and get provisions, for we are in a deserted place here.”

Settle yourself into a position of relational awareness of My desire to place in your heart the true meaning of Christian apostasy.

Superimposed onto every level of ecumenical treatise the stain of Christian apostasy surfaces as being overwhelmingly the greatest victory defining Satan's persecution of the Christian faith. It is the growing loss of believing Christians to demonic infiltration of the church that has allowed the world to accept Christian persecution as a redeemable act of providence portending martyrdom as justification for a lack of commitment to prayerful petitions of divine intervention to stop the savagery that has become commonplace. As a weapon of warfare, individual and corporate prayer controls the outcome of every illegitimate assault on the redeemed by releasing carefully prepared and equipped warrior angels to exact Holy retribution condemning the attackers to eternity mired in the same horror that they were pleased to release upon unsuspecting men, women and children.

Knowing that the battle’s outcome rests squarely upon prayerful petitions of believing Christians implies to the reader of this end time prophetic instruction that the fate of the body of believers immersed in the Christian faith is anchored in prayer for one another until the return of Jesus Christ The Messiah.