“This is my promise to a broken world ensnared in provisional conflicts perpetrated upon mankind with malice through deceit and guile; to reveal that which has been held hidden as an offering of hope made manifest by accepting into your heart the joy that will arise by simply reading and practicing that which I lay before you.”

Isaiah 42:5-9    Thus says God the Lord, Who created the heavens and stretched them out, Who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, Who gives birth to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk on it: “ I, the Lord have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house. I am the Lord, that is my name; and My glory I will not give to another nor My Praise to carved images. Behold the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them”.