Why Do the Constellations Never Change?

“All of creation exists as time establishes its purpose as the controller of everything submitted to its perfect plan, divinely shaped to maintain cohesion and spatial relationship of all things to it’s point of origin. To document the unveiling of the mystery of time, two years before it's release, I placed in the mind of one in whom exists a unique ability to accurately transcribe in great detail prophetic works unequaled in depth, what will prove to be the only answer portending the question: Why do the constellations never change?

Time is the initiator and controller of every action and the resulting reaction. This law specifically is the foundation upon which all of creation exists. Little is known and understood relative to why time stands alone at the top of creation without equal in importance and positional dominance. To understand the intricacies of time is to behold the very pattern upon which creation was spoken into existence as described in Holy Scripture.

Time as I have already revealed was created to establish a beginning and an end to all creation. Nothing escapes its control. Within its grasp everything that exists had a beginning and everything that exists is on a predetermined cycle transforming its form and purpose until time itself ceases to exist.

Only time transcends every universal law of spatial and transformational actions and reactions that control the design, movement, form and interactions of everything that exists. It was necessary to place limitations on all of creation; there was a beginning, so to there is an ending. Everything lies within these two events.

While time stands alone at the top of creation in importance, there is little understanding of how it is the initiator of everything that produces change until time itself ceases to exist. To understand how time initiates every action, there must be a clear understanding of the properties of time.

Time is a set of interdependent layers of carefully prepared bridges of energy that form pathways upon which all of creation seeks it’s purpose. The interdependent layers of energy bridges combine to form an unbroken sphere that encases all of creation. The layers attach themselves to one another top and bottom with reflective motion that enables the bridge to move in a way that there is nothing that is not in constant motion along it's assigned route of transformation ending only with the return of Jesus Christ Messiah.

Any and all efforts to alter or change the nature of time and its control over all of creation will be fruitless. There is no power on earth that can break apart the layers of energy bridges that form the essence of time. Surely this revelation will spark unending attempts to harness the effects of time; all will fail for that which was created by the Three In One Creator will stand un-compromised until it has completely served its purpose.

I want you to be prepared to engage me as I continue to reveal the structure of time and the way in which it forms a simple halo around creation that controls all spatial and transformational laws I created to ensure the complexities of universal actions and reactions remains constant.

To further the understanding of the nature of time, the way in which it’s structure performs its tasks must be acknowledged. The beginning of all things, as described in Holy Scripture, set into motion an infinite number of actions resulting in an infinite number of reactions. Each action and the resulting reactions have a beginning and ending. The process by which each action and the resulting reactions finds its predetermined ending is the process assigned to time.  Without a predetermined ending limiting an infinite number of processes, all of creation would disappear into an endless void purposely created to produce resistance to an expanding nature of time and creation.

Deeply embedded in the structure of time lies points of entry created to be the beginning of every natural action as well as the resulting reactions. Upon entry into time the effects of the actions and reactions begin seeking its purpose by following carefully prepared bridges of energy that act as a pathway to a predetermined ending established to control the movement of creation relative to its point of physical placement as it entered it’s point of entry.  Along the pathway the effects of the actions and reactions succumb to the influences of  carefully prepared unchangeable rights of passage that apply to everything in creation without exception. These rights of passage, more commonly known as the laws of nature, are applied and controlled as to their application by the length of the predetermined pathway assigned to actions and reactions. Thus, the infinite points of entry and the resulting infinite variations of pathways combine to form the infinite number of layers of energy bridges that form the sphere that is time, completely encasing all of creation.

Birthed from time comes every universal law of nature. As rights of passage applied to every journey along every pathway in every bridge of energy, they control all of creation according to the plan and purpose of all things established before the first words were spoken as described in Holy Scripture.

Time will therefore continue to stand alone atop the masterpiece of creation executing and administering the laws of nature created to secure order and design in all of creation

Out of time comes order in design to all of creation. Meticulously maintained, the interdependent fields of energy crafted to carry an infinite number of bridges of energy spanning precisely placed holes in a pathway provide a predetermined route to the place of completion of purpose. Emerging from the holes in the pathway are vortices void of energy that have been assigned the task of assimilating into the pathway the universal laws of nature that are responsible for maintaining order in the transformation of things. As the pathways identify the speed with which the predetermined migration from beginning to ending takes place, so does the rate of application of the  universal laws of nature vary, thus establishing a relationship between speed and transformation fulfilling completion of a predetermined journey through time from beginning to ending.”