Understanding the Sanctity of Life

“I want to reveal to you the secret to understanding the sanctity of life”.

“Life is divinely held to be the most intricately and exquisitely created modicum of existence, whose only function is to render unending offerings of latent desires to be one with the Three In One Creator. These desires, purposefully placed in every living life form, is the mechanism by which all life finds its purpose. The creation of life imposed upon eternity a new order dependent upon its Creator to perfect its purpose. Every life form carries within its chemical makeup an identifiable sequence of chemical reactions characterized by the creation of energy used to fuel internal response to external influence. It is by acquiescence that life is sustained. Inherent in all lifeforms there also resides an unequaled predisposition to propagate its kind. Not by chance but by design all of life centers itself around the fulfillment of procreation. Therefore, by design all life in every form is a fulfillment of an unalterable auto response to divine instruction imprinted onto the essence of all life, hidden until now: interwoven, cascading bands of electro chemical energy configured in a way that allows the entire life form to be aware of its Creator”. 

  “I want to take you on a journey to a place secured away deep inside the cellular structure of every life form where there resides a unique mechanism that stands alone in all of creation in its ability to produce instruction chemically centered around that which defines life: structurally perfect electrochemical particles of energy that are interwoven and layered in a way that the product of their mass is the establishment of the design and nature of every life form. Understanding the glorious design that defines every life form cannot be equaled nor can it be dismissed into cynicism for it is this understanding of the definition of life that will dispel human introspection into the origins of life”.

“Life can only be defined by that which separates it as a part of creation from the enormity of lifeless creation and that which is spirit:  anatomical designs depended upon and sustained by electrochemical energy created and controlled by an infinite sequence of electrical charges that fuels internal reaction to external influence”.

Genesis 22:17   blessings, I will bless you, and multiplying, I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.

“Sanctified by Me every form of life establishes itself as being unique in its creation uniquely capable of defining its purpose and intrinsically predisposed to commit itself to its purpose, encoded chemically, not by chance, but intentionally with purpose so that every life form is preparing its procreation to fulfill its inheritance as it was prepared before the dawn of time. Significant to the basis of this understanding, truth resides in the knowledge found In Holy Scripture”  Philippians 3: 21  ‘who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which he is able even to subdue all things to himself’ . To produce new life every life form draws from within itself to extend its very essence establishing an unbreakable bond designed specifically to imbue into all new life the desire to be one with Me. Regardless of the form all life carries encoded upon its chemical structure instructions that defined its very existence as being animate. When applied to the miracle of reproduction in higher lifeforms the chemical encoding goes beyond simple replication of the progenitor by capturing in an instant the essence of two progenitors thereby placing new chemical codes that consist of contributions from each progenitor attributed by way of the principle of the sanctification of life as revealed in Holy Scripture”  Hebrews 9: 27  ‘and as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment’. For as this applies to man so to does it apply to all life even those held as being lifeless that are raised as they had not succumbed to separation from that which sanctifies man as a holy creation: a carefully designed movement of energy infilling as a source of identity the human life form. To be without this infilling movement of energy, the human spirit, death attenuates that which remains”.

“So life sits alone atop every measure that defines creation and the human life form as being fashioned in the image of its Creator realizes its purpose as being spiritually anchored by love from the point of conception whereupon the human spirit finds its place cradling what has become a Holy creation just to be a son or a daughter forever”.

Genesis 9:16  The rainbow shall be in the cloud and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on earth.