MONDAy - saturday 10AM-2PM - closed

Come to The River and be filled. Open to All God's Children, whoever you are, wherever you come from.... Free coffee, phone charging station and prayer are available. Come in and be refreshed and recharged, physically and spiritually. 

Because we wanted something inspired by a deeper connection between people of all walks of life and their Creator, we created a life space that is for all to enjoy....where each day God's Word is spoken over you to encourage you and strengthen you.  We read scripture together, pray together, and practice periods of silence and meditation.

Stop by and dip in "The River".  It will change your day.

  • Free coffee

  • Free water

  • Free air conditioning/heat and a place to park your body for a bit

  • Free fellowship

  • Free Bibles

  • Free prayer

It's located on the first floor of our building as soon as you enter the double doors.                         

The smell of fresh coffee will greet you!