At Deep Passion we sincerely believe that nothing happens by chance! However, obedience to God's calling on our lives has always turned probabilities into wonderful outcomes, manifesting God's intentions in and through us. As we continue to allow the Holy Spirit to control and empower us and as we meditate on God's word, our lives have been filled with glorious opportunities to witness and express the fruit of the Spirit. On 28th February this year my grandson Cohen James (CJ) was born in Wellington, New Zealand. Needless to say that my limited awareness of him has been through the lens of a camera - 8,680 miles away as the crow flies! God has however, granted me an opportunity to love another "CJ" face to face!

Standing in "The River" July 26th, looking out at the people passing by I noticed a young man of about 25 years of age. As I focused my attention on him the Holy Spirit instructed me to invite him in for a cup of coffee or a drink of cold water - which he gratefully accepted. The stage was set for a most remarkable spiritual journey of a soul captivated by the powers of darkness, to be delivered by the Holy Spirit into complete freedom in Jesus Christ.

Great was my surprise, when the young man was asked his name he replied "CJ". The following two hours passed like fleeting moments in time. It didn't take CJ long to realize that he had landed himself among people who regarded him as most valuable to God's kingdom. As the team ministered to CJ through prayer and deliverance the legacy of his past unfolded as a nightmare.

Sold out to the powers of darkness and the "wisdom" of this world, CJ lived a life of confusion, suspicion and doubt. His life became a lie as to his true identity and in the process, he lost all hope for a future life, filled with purpose and zest for living. As CJ was busy verbalizing his experiences God's anointing came upon us all and His love manifested in CJ, overpowering him completely. He physically and spiritually experienced God's presence and broke down in tears of joy at having discovered both his purpose for living and his identity in Christ.

Anointed with oil and having committed his life to Jesus (Rom. 10:9-10), CJ became a new creation. His expectations were renewed for a future full of good things God has set aside for him. His gratitude to the team for their encouragement and warm invitation to visit us at Deep Passion, knew no boundaries. As a team we thank God for every opportunity He has created for us to worship Him through service and obedience to His calling.We believe that nothing happens by chance!

CJ proceeded to hand over a book, among other literature in his backpack, that has kept him believing the lie about himself, his future and God's love. Darwin's theories of mans conception and destiny has kept this young man ignorant and confused about God's plan for his life, Finally he was filled with an emotion of complete relief and deep gratitude once he realized the full extend of what had just happened to him.