
Testimonies are in chronological order from OLDEST to NEWEST.

Please read and be encouraged by the power of our God to change lives!



This testimony was relayed by one of the team members that left Deep Passion with Christmas cards, which included gift cards, to be given out to the needy along Broad Street..... 

"We approached a woman at the bus stop to speak with her about the love of God and to offer prayer.  As we mentioned the name of JESUS, she became very irate and asked us to leave. We continued to reach out to her with compassion. We told her that Jesus loved her and because of His love for her, we were out on His behalf to offer her a gift from Him and us at Deep Passion. We asked her if she would accept the gift from Jesus and she said yes.  When she opened the Christmas card we had for her, she was excited to find the Subway gift card.  As we continued to communicate with her with compassion, her countenance and attitude changed and she began to talk with each of us.  As we were leaving she said "God bless you!" and smiled."

Within an hour and a half, our team of seven distributed 29 gifts cards, had the opportunity to pray with many, and had one salvation as a man gave his life to Jesus in the parking lot of the gas station directly across the street from our building.  

Glory to God!

"Nothing happens by chance!" By Paul Schutte, August 1, 2017

At Deep Passion we sincerely believe that nothing happens by chance! However, obedience to God's calling on our lives has always turned probabilities into wonderful outcomes, manifesting God's intentions in and through us. As we continue to allow the Holy Spirit to control and empower us and as we meditate on God's word, our lives have been filled with glorious opportunities to witness and express the fruit of the Spirit. On 28th February this year my grandson Cohen James (CJ) was born in Wellington, New Zealand. Needless to say that my limited awareness of him has been through the lens of a camera - 8,680 miles away as the crow flies! God has however, granted me an opportunity to love another "CJ" face to face!

Standing in "The River" July 26th, looking out at the people passing by I noticed a young man of about 25 years of age. As I focused my attention on him the Holy Spirit instructed me to invite him in for a cup of coffee or a drink of cold water - which he gratefully accepted. The stage was set for a most remarkable spiritual journey of a soul captivated by the powers of darkness, to be delivered by the Holy Spirit into complete freedom in Jesus Christ.

Great was my surprise, when the young man was asked his name he replied "CJ". The following two hours passed like fleeting moments in time. It didn't take CJ long to realize that he had landed himself among people who regarded him as most valuable to God's kingdom. As the team ministered to CJ through prayer and deliverance the legacy of his past unfolded as a nightmare.

Sold out to the powers of darkness and the "wisdom" of this world, CJ lived a life of confusion, suspicion and doubt. His life became a lie as to his true identity and in the process, he lost all hope for a future life, filled with purpose and zest for living. As CJ was busy verbalizing his experiences God's anointing came upon us all and His love manifested in CJ, overpowering him completely. He physically and spiritually experienced God's presence and broke down in tears of joy at having discovered both his purpose for living and his identity in Christ.

Anointed with oil and having committed his life to Jesus (Rom. 10:9-10), CJ became a new creation. His expectations were renewed for a future full of good things God has set aside for him. His gratitude to the team for their encouragement and warm invitation to visit us at Deep Passion, knew no boundaries. As a team we thank God for every opportunity He has created for us to worship Him through service and obedience to His calling.We believe that nothing happens by chance!

CJ proceeded to hand over a book, among other literature in his backpack, that has kept him believing the lie about himself, his future and God's love. Darwin's theories of mans conception and destiny has kept this young man ignorant and confused about God's plan for his life, Finally he was filled with an emotion of complete relief and deep gratitude once he realized the full extend of what had just happened to him.

"a day of salvations" by bob barkley, October 9, 2017

First thing in the morning during "The River", Paul Schutte encountered a homeless man on the sidewalk and invited him into Deep Passion. The man welcomed an opportunity to come in, sit and relax, and enjoy a free cup of coffee. After conversing with the volunteers, the man asked for prayer for a painful back that had plagued him for 4 years. Paul learned that while the man believed in God, he had not ever accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. So Paul led him to Christ; then he said his back no longer hurt!

A little while later, Paul encountered another young man. He was curious enough about Deep Passion to a take a detour from his destination and come in to talk with the volunteer team. After a bit conversation, he asked for prayer for his temper and his anger. He also said he had been seeking God, but was having a hard time finding Him. Paul, subsequently, lead this young man to Jesus with the sinner's prayer, as well!

Later, on Friday evening after Expressions of Worship concluded, Bob was cleaning up when a young man came in from The Camel (the bar/music venue next door). He was also curious about Deep Passion. He admitted to not being a "praying person" but asked for prayer, as he had just that very day lost his best friend and he needed help to deal with it. After praying with Bob, he also became a citizen of Heaven!


Healing from prayer & standing on the word - July 1, 2018

Michael (pictured here with Deep Passion's Director, Paul Schutte) shared how he was prayed for at at the conclusion of the Open Assembly on July 1, 2018 by Calvin Weaver.  He reported back the following week that the pain that he had been experiencing in his side left after the prayer and had not been back, .....until he came to attend Open Assembly again on July 8.  When it returned, he recognized it was a "lying symptom".  He declared "By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed!", and the pain left again!  

Michael wants you to use the Word to claim and maintain your healing, as well!



Healing Testimony

I attended Deep Passion's Wednesday night service because I heard Bob would be sharing about healing the way the Holy Spirit had given it to him. After the amazing teaching, we all gathered to pray for anyone who needed healing....just as we always do. However, this time when I walked away from praying for one of my fabulous sisters in the Kingdom, I heard Holy Spirit say "Receive your healing". I honestly thought nothing of it, but out of obedience I spoke the words "I receive my healing".

The next day (Thursday) I had a previously scheduled appointment with my OB/GYN and she noticed what felt to her like multiple fibroids that had grown back that were pretty large in size. She advised me that I'd probably need surgery to remove them because most likely they were the reason for the symptoms I had been dealing with recently. She scheduled an appointment in 3 weeks for an ultrasound and to discuss what steps we'd take next.

When I got to the parking lot I called my husband to tell him what the doctor had just said and he immediately reminded me that there would be no need for surgery, because I'd received my healing the night before at Deep Passion! We prayed a quick prayer, just thanking God for his miraculous healing power and for already healing me before I even knew I needed healing.

Friday morning I woke up to fluids of some sort coming out of my body. It happened all day Friday, all day Saturday, and by Sunday it had stopped completely. I asked the Holy Spirit what had been happening to me and I heard "the fibroids are being released". When I had my monthly cycle all the previous symptoms were no longer there.

In exactly 3 weeks, I went to the scheduled ultrasound. When the doctor met with me to go over the results she said, "I guess I was wrong, we don't see any fibroids except one and it's so tiny that there's no way it caused any of the symptoms you were having. So I don't think you need the surgery for that little thing". I replied, "No, I won't be needing surgery, I know where the fibroids went!" and I laughed my way out the door.

I truly believe that God was so pleased that I had prayed for my sister in Christ to be healed, sincerely and wholeheartedly, that he healed me of a medical situation that I didn't even know I had at the time. The lesson is that we truly should love our neighbor with all our heart and their concerns should be our concerns. When we have a heart like this, God can move mightily on our behalf.




"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way."  Psalms 37:24

While on my way to the Post Office at Saunders Station, I happened to notice a friend, whom I had recently had the privilege to meet, was standing in front of a building in the 1600 block of West Broad Street.  My intention was to speak to him and see how he was doing.  When we greeted one another, he invited me to come inside where he then introduced me to some of the individuals who had been so instrumental in helping him deepen his relationship with the Lord.  The two people there at the time were Paul and Faith.  They both welcomed me with the love of Jesus; and that love was further evidenced by their deep passion and commitment to the calling on their lives.  I looked on the wall and saw a painting that was so captivating and serene.  As I was staring so intently on the painting, Paul shared the story about the meaning and the artist.  He exclaimed that I was standing in The River!

In my mind I began to reflect on a song which says these words:

There's a River of Life flowing out of me,  

Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see,

Open prison doors, sets the captives free,  

There's a River of Life flowing out of me.

Noteworthy to mention is this fact....as many times that I had visited the Post Office, I have never noticed this place!  I immediately felt like I was at home; that God was ordering my steps and I wanted to be a part of what He is doing, for He is indeed using Deep Passion by way of The River to transform lives....all for His Glory!

Honored to Serve,

Carolyn Fawole 

*Carolyn is now a faithful volunteer in The River, using her God-given gifts to serve and minister to others.



- a place of refuge, rest, edification, encouragement & love for all




10 am - 2 pm

Praise God, that since opening to The River in May 2017 through July 2018, we have had over 2000 visits to The River!!!



Last Wednesday, August 8, The River flowed in a exceptional way!  We had a wonderful guest in The River visiting with us, the father-in-law of one of our volunteers.  He currently lives in California, but was born and raised in Nicaragua.  He is a Bishop and has planted many churches.  We started out reading scripture in the book of Matthew.  Great conversation about God's grace followed.  Guests continued to flow in The River.  There was a shift in the atmosphere.  One person then expressed an urgent need for prayer. 

We all circled up to pray for him.  Prayer elevated; tears from the individual poured out.  We continued to pray and war against that spirit that held our brother in bondage.  Suddenly we had breakthrough, so we praised and worshipped God for what He had done!  Then, others got free also!  Lives were spoken into.  We praised God in a mighty way for the move of the Holy Spirit.  Everybody that received prayer got free.  The atmosphere was full of love and joy for one another.  People were honest about what had been spoken in their lives. They each received what God intended for them to have in The River.

We never know from day to day what the Holy Spirit wants to do in people's lives, but when they come into The River they can expect a change.  Glory to God.




At this point in the day in The River, we had been feasting together on the Word of God and were planning on reading Matthew 18:10-35.  We were ready to continue and pick up where we had left off when a lot of people began coming in need of cold water and wanting a cup of coffee, so that delayed our continuing the reading of the scriptures.  

We didn’t realize until later that the Holy Spirit delayed the scripture reading for His purpose…..

The people were coming in thirsty and with hunger.  We invited all of them to stay and to let us pray for them, which they did.  Just as we were finishing up praying together, another guest came in who was also hot and thirsty, named James.  This was his first visit to Deep Passion.  We offered a seat to him and while he was drinking a bottle of cold water and cooling down, Linda read Matthew 18:12-14 out loud. Everyone was following along in the Bibles we provide in The River. 

"If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won't he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?  And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that didn't wander away! In the same way, it is not my heavenly Father's will that even one of these little ones should perish.”  

Matthew 18:12-14 NLT

James slowly re-read the above passage aloud, and then with outstretched, raised arms he proclaimed that he was the lost sheep!  The Holy Spirit had suddenly revealed this to him…. that he was lost but now was found by his Shepherd Jesus, his Savior!  Paul confirmed this with him; then we all joyfully celebrated this message of revelation with James and praised God!


Outreach - October 27, 2017

When Cecilia & Vanessa met Bridgette their warmth surrounded her. Bridgette’s eyes welled up with tears as she began to unleash the pent up pain and frustration of burdens and worries she had been carrying since arriving in Richmond just this week. Her body was racked with sobs for several minutes. They held her, sang over her and prayed for her for several minutes. She was encouraged to give her burdens, anxieties, and worries to Jesus. The Bible says in Matthew 11 (NKJV)28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am [a]gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


Encouragement and Love

After feeling the true comfort and love of Jesus that these women poured out over her, Bridgette was refreshed and renewed and strengthened.

She became a part of our Deep Passion family. She was told when she could come to Deep Passion to get in out of the cold and have free coffee, rest in HIS Presence, feed on the WORD, and receive PRAYER & ENCOURAGEMENT.


October 28, 2018

Bridgette’s story continues…….

She arrived at Open Assembly and reconnected with an old friend and regular at Deep Passion, who she knew from 16 years ago. Both now on the street with no where to go, they vowed to look out for each other and committed to seek immediate assistance through a local Christian program that provides stability, housing, and restoration to the soul. Praise God for that divine appointment during outreach on Saturday morning!


OUTREACH 12/8/18

Only a half block away from Deep Passion, we encountered a young man on the sidewalk….cold and hungry. We gave him a bag lunch & other useful items. Then, he was surprised with a warm hat & gloves, and he got to unwrap and put on a brand-new hoodie sweatshirt! His smile went from ear-to-ear! Paul and Cecilia then talked to him about Jesus, and told him how much he was loved by Jesus, and shared what Jesus had done in order that he could be with Him from now through eternity. On the sidewalk, this young man accepted Jesus as his Savior and then was led to partake in Holy Communion!

Over on the north side of Broad Street, others on our team were distributing more gift-wrapped hoodie sweatshirts and bag lunches, along with hand/toe/body warmers….& more wonderful things that had been donated this past week to Deep Passion by those wanted to help the “disadvantaged” we were going to serve on this cold 40 degree day. There, they prayed for a woman with pain in her back, a man with a strained back, a man with urinary issues, and a woman suffering from grief due to the death of her aunt. The Lord released tangible healing in a powerful way! All back pain disappeared! Joy & peace returned! Each felt His presence and healing power, praise God!


The River is off to a great start in 2019, as we had a

day of multiple healings on Friday, January 11!

Orlando had been able to only move his thumb and index finger, which made it difficult for him to work doing certain tasks. Doctors had told him that there was nothing they could do to help him. The three other fingers had healed improperly, because he removed the brace they were set in prematurely.

After prayer by the volunteers serving in The River, Orlando was able to move and use his previously immovable fingers on his left hand!

He also had pain in his teeth so bad that he couldn’t even eat the tortilla chips we offered him that day. After the team prayed for him, he was clenching and chomping his teeth and had absolutely no pain! He was now ready and able to eat anything he wanted!

Lastly, the team prayed for his memory - which he had been having problems with recently.

Later, Gregory came into The River in obvious pain. He said it was his back-that he had disc issues & stenosis. So, the team prayed for him….multiple times! The pain receded each time, from 10 to 5, then all the way to ZERO! The prayers continued until even the remaining stiffness vanished! Then a volunteer checked his leg length and saw that his left leg was 3/4“ longer than his right leg. They proceeded to pray and Holy Spirit adjusted the right leg to be even with the left leg!!!

We give thanks to God for His love and healing touch over our friends, Orlando and Gregory!



Peace and joy fill the faces of this couple after they both received Jesus as Lord during our monthly Saturday Outreach from Deep Passion.

We go out into our immediate community, identified to us as Green Pastures, seeking opportunities to co-minster with Holy Spirit: Salvation, Deliverance, Healing, Hope, Edification, Reconciliation & Communion.

Many others also received a touch from God in one or more of these areas!


EVERYONE IS GOING AFTER JESUS! February 24, 2019 By Bob Barkley

John 12:19   Then the Pharisees said to one another, you see that your efforts are futile. Look! The whole world has gone after Him !

This past Sunday morning before Open Assembly, Holy Spirit told me to read this scripture. During Open Assembly, Holy Spirit explained to me that this was an end-time message specifically referring to our Saturday outreach and Deep Passion’s three year presence in Green Pastures and that I was to share:

The Pharisees represent the demonic kingdom and the world is Green Pastures.

You see the demonic is now convinced, their efforts in Green Pastures are futile, everyone is going after Jesus!

God’s Overpowering Purpose March 12, 2019

The vision Deep Passion received from God contains clear and emphatic directions to “minister and witness, both to what we will see and the things He will reveal to us” (Acts26:16). Clear direction was given by the Father in respect of 7 fundamental ministries that now forms the essence of our activities and commitment, in extending the Kingdom of God.

The 7 ministries are: Salvation, Deliverance, Healing, Hope, Edification, Reconciliation and Communion. (Comprehensive teaching on each topic is provided on selected Wednesday evenings from 6.30 – 8.00 at Deep Passion.)

An obedient and enthusiastic commitment has manifested God’s blessing and approval. In a short period of 4 weeks we have experienced 6 Salvations, numerous healings and deliverances. Hope, Edification and Reconciliation are daily phenomena in The River, and Communion forms an integral part of our Sunday Open Assembly and during the Outreach at the end of each month.

As we co-minister with the Holy Spirit our efforts proclaim a vivid personal and overpowering relationship with Jesus Christ.

To God be the Glory!