Healing Testimony by Sharice Styles


I attended Deep Passion's Wednesday night service because I heard Bob would be sharing about healing the way the Holy Spirit had given it to him. After the amazing teaching, we all gathered to pray for anyone who needed healing....just as we always do. However, this time when I walked away from praying for one of my fabulous sisters in the Kingdom, I heard Holy Spirit say "Receive your healing". I honestly thought nothing of it, but out of obedience I spoke the words "I receive my healing".

The next day (Thursday) I had a previously scheduled appointment with my OB/GYN and she noticed what felt to her like multiple fibroids that had grown back that were pretty large in size. She advised me that I'd probably need surgery to remove them because most likely they were the reason for the symptoms I had been dealing with recently. She scheduled an appointment in 3 weeks for an ultrasound and to discuss what steps we'd take next.

When I got to the parking lot I called my husband to tell him what the doctor had just said and he immediately reminded me that there would be no need for surgery, because I'd received my healing the night before at Deep Passion! We prayed a quick prayer, just thanking God for his miraculous healing power and for already healing me before I even knew I needed healing.

Friday morning I woke up to fluids of some sort coming out of my body. It happened all day Friday, all day Saturday, and by Sunday it had stopped completely. I asked the Holy Spirit what had been happening to me and I heard "the fibroids are being released". When I had my monthly cycle all the previous symptoms were no longer there.

In exactly 3 weeks, I went to the scheduled ultrasound. When the doctor met with me to go over the results she said, "I guess I was wrong, we don't see any fibroids except one and it's so tiny that there's no way it caused any of the symptoms you were having. So I don't think you need the surgery for that little thing". I replied, "No, I won't be needing surgery, I know where the fibroids went!" and I laughed my way out the door.

I truly believe that God was so pleased that I had prayed for my sister in Christ to be healed, sincerely and wholeheartedly, that he healed me of a medical situation that I didn't even know I had at the time. The lesson is that we truly should love our neighbor with all our heart and their concerns should be our concerns. When we have a heart like this, God can move mightily on our behalf.